Friday 5 August 2011

The Dollar Store Hero

I love my sister. I really do. But sometimes I just don't understand how Jennifer survives everyday.

Just last week she lost her week old iphone and while trying to replace it, she locked her keys in her car. This week she once again locked her keys in the car. It is almost funny, but not quite.

Picture Jennifer and me staring at her car keys through the window. I am sure you can imagine the hopeless look that was on our faces. This hopeless look only lasted a little bit before 'Resourceful' Jennifer and Katelyn took over.

Locked 'Steve' (yes, Jennifer has named her car) + coat hanger = fail

Things were getting pretty desperate. Jennifer did not want to call CAA two times in two weeks and the newly cut extra key for Steve was sitting completely inconveniently at home. I had even called the shop where Kirk works to see if he had any suggestions on how to break into Steve. All hope was lost until....

The Dollar Store Hero arrived!!! 

Out of the mist, with his St. Louis cap and well-loved truck, came our hero. He was able to work his magic with the coat hanger and with a resounding 'POP', Steve was unlocked!! I am not embarrassed to say that we did a little jig to celebrate. 

Our celebration continued as we went for some ice cream! I had Cherry Cheesecake and Jennifer had Grammy's Cupboard and Peanut Butter Cup Round Up. It was amazing, my only complaint being that two scoops was way too much! In the past two scoops had been the perfect amount, but was way too much now as they must have changed the scoop size. 

I am being completely unrealistic by hoping that the Dollar Store Hero will ever read this, but I can dream

To the Dollar Store HeroThank you! Your sheer awesomeness will never be forgotten. We will buy you some ice cream next time we meet. 

To my readers: I hope that the Dollar Store Hero, or a fellow Awesome Superhero, will be near to assist if you are ever silly enough to lock your keys in your car. And that you are able to celebrate with ice cream afterwards. 

Have you ever seen an Awesome Superhero? How did they help you or someone you know? Or maybe you had a crazy adventure that made you wish for a visit from an Awesome Superhero.  I would love to hear your stories. 


Jennie Guenard said...

I love this story, it's so typically Jennifer, poor girl!!! Thank goodness for random heroes!

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