Sunday 29 January 2012

Vinyl Cafe

I feel sorry for anyone who has not listened to the Vinyl Cafe. I recently started to listen and I am hooked. For those who do not know, the Vinyl Cafe is a CBC Radio program by Stuart McLean. It features hilarious stories written by Staurt about Dave and his family, along with essays and music. 

For Christmas we received a 4-cd Family Pack of stories and I just love listening to them. 

The stories are not only hilarious and intelligent, but I can picture everything that happens happening to my family! One of the stories in the Family Pack features Dave forgetting that he was suppose to take care of the turkey dinner for Christmas and having to go to a hotel and ask them to cook his turkey for him. Another story has Dave riding his friend's bicycle that is secured to the roof rack. And Stuart has one of the most interesting voices I have ever heard! 

I suggest everyone listens to the Vinyl Cafe, it will sure bring a smile to your face! 
(Find out how to listen hereEnjoy! 

Thursday 19 January 2012

Quality, not quantity

I hear that so often... quality, not quantity. Recently I hear it from professors talking about essays or projects. And I believe it is a great mantra, but I am making some changes.

Too often I find myself thinking I need to sit down and actually blog. Too often I find myself trying to come up with some brilliant or witty topic to blog again. And way too often my ideas get deleted.

Not anymore! Even if the posting is a few sentences long, I am posting! I am still hoping my posts will be brilliant but my goal is just to post. Expect randomness to ensue!

Randomness #1. To the guy who just wiped out in the middle of a busy street: don't run on unpaved, snowy streets and sidewalks!

Randomness #2. How do you juggle all of the university assigned readings and your own personal reading? I will let you know when I figure this out!

Randomness #3. This picture!! So excited! It is going to be epic.

Randomness #4. Today one of the students I work with told me that I was her best friend, even though I was an adult. Thank you T for being accepting on my age!

Randomness #5. This video. (This is not really random because it is also about The Hunger Games but just ignore that) There is something about this song that I just cannot get enough of. I listen to it on repeat a few times a day. And I am not a Taylor Swift fan, but this song blows my mind.

Randomness #6. Do I want to end this list on an even or odd number?

Randomness #3/4. Problem solved!

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