Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day 7 of March Photo A Day

YES!!! Posting today which officially means I am caught up! Now only to get caught up on school work...

#6. 5 PM
{And yes, I did move the time back to get this picture!}
I love this clock! Jennifer gave it to me for Christmas and it is the most amazing thing ever!

#7 Something I Wore
This picture is more important than it first appears! Do you see what the picture is of?? SHOES!! Not boots, shoes! Which means it was nice enough weather today to wear shoes! The weather was spooky nice today, without the strong wind it would have been almost hot. But of course, tomorrow it is suppose to rain/snow, depending on what weather you are looking at. At least I was able to wear my shoes a few times in March. These are actually my favourite shoes of all time. I bought them in 2008, right before I went to Europe with Jennifer. They are, sadly, starting to get worn out but I refuse to accept that. 

Running with the shoe theme {get it?? running! with the shoes?}, do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Is there a pair that you refuse to get rid of?  

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Photo Challenge Catch Up

I was so happy because I took all of the pictures I needed to take over the weekend and I was going to catch up and feel great. Reality: I left my camera charger in B-ford and my camera was out of batteries. It was quite depressing but now I am going to post the pictures from the weekend and everything will be great. 

#3. My neighbourhood 

Living where I do is something that I know I take for granted. Growing up living on a small hobby farm is an experience that has positively shaped who I am today. There were so many options to chose from when deciding what to photograph that best represents my neighbourhood, from the farms all along the road, to the creek, to the beautiful forests but I ended up choosing the nature trail. My neighbours generously donated a large portion of their land to be made into a nature trail for everyone to enjoy. This picture not only represents the beautiful nature in my neighbourhood but is also a representation of the wonderful people I am lucky enough to live near. 

#4 Bedside
Compared to the other bedside pictures I have seen for this challenge, this is nothing special. But here we go anyways: 
- a lamp
- unscented hand cream that doesn't make my hands break out with eczema
- medicated cream for when my hands do break out with exzema
- Tylenol because I have had a bad headache these past few days
- Kobo covers, depending on my outfit of the day I change the cover [not actually!! I just have two awesome colours that make it hard to pick one]
- Kobo light
- A light thing with a scented shade which should probably have been changed a long time ago
- a bell, Paige has the same one and we have bell ringing competitions every week or so [not really, but doesn't that sound epic?!]
- Valentine's M&Ms that I should probably eat
- random paper clip and sticker for character

#5 A Smile
I had so many ideas for this picture but since March 5th was my darling baby sister's birthday, I figured this would be so appropriate! Happy Birthday Jennifer!!! Your smile is adorable!! 

And now I am caught up! It is a good feeling!

Friday 2 March 2012

March Photo A Day Challenge

March is going to be a stressful month so I decided that adding the pressure of taking a picture everyday would be a good plan. All kidding aside, I think it will be very fun to do and the best part is that anyone can do it! 

As I am already a day late this is not off to a great start but I have confidence that I can stay ahead of things. 

Here is the list. 

And the first one, UP.

And the second one, FRUIT

Have you started this list? Or have you been inspired to join in? 
Let me know!
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