Friday 24 February 2012

Marshall and CiCi

Marshall is getting so big! It is hard to tell from these pictures but he is enormous! Hopefully he is finished growing but even if he has stopped growing he is still in his kitten phase. Everyday he does something crazy, I will try and write some of it down because it is often quite amusing, even if Mum doesn't think so. 

CiCi is getting old, we think he might be slowly losing his mind! We often find him just staring at the water, sometimes for ten minutes. His favourite thing to do is curl up in the tightest ball on the couch and sleep all day. 

Thursday 23 February 2012

Reading Week!

Here we are, the Thursday of Reading Week. Today was a bit of a wake-up call as today was the first day I actually sat down to get some work done! 

The weekend was a relaxing weekend, hanging out and doing nothing. 
Monday was Family Day, once again a 'do nothing' day. 
Tuesday was shopping in London for what seemed an eternity. 
Wednesday was more shopping and a movie. 

And of course, today I am struggling to make up for those relaxing days. Not that there is anything wrong with just spending time with my family, especially as Jennifer came home for Reading Week. But this means that my plan for getting a start on three essays this week is starting to look slightly out of reach. 

[On the plus side, I have seen two movies and read a book this week]

'This Is Where I Leave You' by Jonathan Tropper was included in Holly's book list of 2011. It was only a good book; it was funny and intelligent but I did not fall in love with the book. I enjoyed reading the novel but I could not relate to the middle-aged man whose wife cheats on him with his boss around the same time that his father dies. Judd Foxman, while having a ridiculously awesome name, is quite pitiful and while I am sure that was the intention of Tropper, it was only for the writing that I continued to read and not for the characters.  

I have heard some really great things about 'Crazy Stupid Love' from some friends but always just ignored the advice to see it. Until this past weekend that is. Kirk and I were at the video store for the longest time, not finding anything that interested us. As I became frustrated I grabbed this movie, having reached that 'I do not care anymore' stage. I was not really sure what to expect but I am sure glad I picked this movie. It is now my new favourite movie. I loved everything about it. I am still in that stage where I don't have any words to describe how much I loved it so all I will say is that everyone should watch it. Sorry Kathryn for not going out and renting this movie right after you told me about it! 

Yesterday Mom, Jennifer and I went shopping again and then to see 'This Means War'. I had seen quite a few trailers for the film and thought it looked hilarious. I was really excited to see it, but I quickly ran into problems when I tried to find a theatre that was playing it! Our normal theatre wasn't playing it and the only theatre in London that had the movie was SilverCity. I was really disappointed that there was so few places showing it but we did end up going to see it, despite the longer drive. I believe I could have really loved it, if it were not for 'Crazy Stupid Love'. Yes, I am blaming 'Crazy Stupid Love' for ruining my ability to enjoy a romantic comedy. My standards have been raised now and I have a feeling it will take some time before I stop comparing everything to 'Crazy Stupid Love'. 'This Means War' was cute; Reese Witherspoon is cute, Tom Hardy was cute [his accent, on the other hand, was fantastic] and Chris Pine was cute. Overall, cute. I believe it was the chemistry between two characters that saved this movie from being horrible. And that chemistry did not Reese's character, who just seemed an odd match for either Hardy or Pine. It was the bromance that gave the movie something interesting and exciting as their friendship seemed realistic and honest. 

My essay is coming along nicely now, so I should probably start to focus on it a little bit more than I have been. But to conclude:

  • 'This Is Where I Leave You' - good, read it if you need something to fill your time. 
  • 'Crazy Stupid Love' - go now and watch it! Seriously, go now! Stop reading this and go! 
  • 'This Means War' - worth renting for a girl's night. Cute. 
Have you seen 'Crazy Stupid Love' or 'This Means War'? Or have you read 'This Is Where I Leave You'? Drop a comment with your thoughts! 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Valentine's Day was on a Tuesday this year so the weekend before was when we decided to 'celebrate'. I have put celebrate in quotation marks because I am not really sure on my feelings surrounding Valentine's Day. Half of me believes it is a silly Hallmark holiday that has been blown completely out of proportion. On the other hand, I was really pleased with the flowers and chocolates that I received! Double standards here, I know. It was a fantastic weekend and I even took some pictures!

Kirk came down and we went skating with Paige. It was the first time I have been skating this year but it was so much fun. I only almost fell down five times or so, which I am very proud about.

Then we met up with Emily and Kelly to go bowling. As it was cosmic bowling, the pictures did not turn out so here are just a few from the night.

Flowers + chocolates = happy Katelyn! 

I also made Valentine's Day treats for my class, which I will blog about later because this is already a long posting. What did you do for Valentine's Day? 

Tuesday 7 February 2012

What I Read in 2011

One of the blogs that I read did a posting about all of the books she read in 2011 and I loved the idea! So here I am, eventually getting around to posting my own book list. You can check out Holly's post here! {which I highly suggest you do because I find her extremely amusing and witty}

I challenged myself over at Goodreads  to read 50 books in 2011 and I was so close! 47 out of 50 isn't too bad considering how busy I was with school. I also started at the end of February so I don't consider this a failure, just not an success. This year I reduced the list to 40, hopefully I don't end up with 37 at the end of the year. 

Holly's list involved her review on the book but I am not that ambitious. Right now I will just make the list and eventually get around to reviewing them. Hopefully I will be smart enough to write a quick review for each book I read in 2012! 



So as I was half way through putting these pictures on I realized two things. The first was that there is no way I am getting through 47 books tonight. So here is just February. The second thing I noticed was how juvenile these books appear to be! All well, there is nothing wrong with children's literature. I am proud to say I read children's literature

Look back for March books sometime soon! 

And as I preview this I realize I am in need of helping putting pictures on! Any suggestions on how to properly add pictures? 

Thursday 2 February 2012

New Books, 2012 edition

Once again the Scholastic Book Fair was the only reason to get up this week! I am been feeling quite sick with the start of a cold, my throat was awful yesterday. So it was wonderful to have the book fair to look forward to. 

This year I was not able to get to the book fair until 11:30 because of class. I was very surprised about how little was actually left! All of the teacher resources were picked over but there was plenty of picture books to buy! 

This morning Paige and I decided to go first thing to see if they restocked their shelves and they had!! I was so pleased! I bought a lot of wonderful teacher resources that I am so excited to use some day. 

{Please forgive me for the messy collection of pictures, it was incredibly hard to arrange them}

As a side note, I am feel much better today! I am not sure if it was the billion glasses of water I drank or the overall pleasantness of buying books. Either way, I am feeling better. Last night I also became extremely productive around 10:30 or so and I am hoping to keep this productiveness rolling today. Next week is a pretty dreadful looking week but then I can 'relax' until March. 

I feel that the concept of relaxing while being a university student is something that I was to focus on later. So my question to you* is about relaxing. What wonderful tips for relaxing and de-stressing have you heard about or swear by? 

*you - anyone who reads this blog and wants to comment! It can be completely anonymous if you prefer it that way.  

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