Friday 15 April 2011

50 ways to scatter sunshine

Now that school is over (YEAH!) I am devoting my time and energy to scattering sunshine. I came across this list of ways to 'scatter sunshine' through Stumble! (which is highly addicting and ever so entertaining). I figured this list was perfect for my blog and my plan is to go through each item and describe how I was able to scatter a little sunshine.

I am also planning on writing a monthly book/movie post that talks about the books and movies that I read or watched over the month. With all of the extra time I now have I think this should not be a problem.

So basically, you can expect more posts soon!!

I will end this posting with a wonderful quote about spring because I am so very happy that spring has finally sprung!!

Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. 
 ~Doug Larson

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