Tuesday 17 April 2012

Texts From Dog

As I have just finished another exam and my final one isn't until Thursday, I decided to reward myself and do nothing all afternoon! It was a good way to spend the day, I watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother, wrote a poem and then found THIS!! 

What is THIS you ask? Well, I will tell you! THIS is only the most hilarious thing I have seen in a very long time! THIS is now my reason for living! (Sorry friends and family! You have been replaced by this blog) THIS is Text From Dog! {INSERT EPIC MUSIC} Ok, I just did a YouTube search for Epic Music, and guess what?! It is really is epic! So play this song and then go back and reread this paragraph, it flows nicely with the music. 

Back to Text From Dog. It is blog that features this guy has received from his dog. I was actually laughing so hard I was crying, just ask Paige! I was cackling in my room so much she was actually starting to laugh as well. This is my favourite one so far.

I am now going to attempt to clean my room as it is getting hard to walk from one side of the room to the other without tripping over something. 

And that's the way it is - Walter Cronkite 
(I am looking for a catchphrase, any suggestions? Since the one above has already been taken, I need something unique and witty, like me. Tell me your suggestions in the comments!) 

Friday 13 April 2012

Still here!

Final essays and now exams have reduced my available time to almost nil, and while I want to post, it is not high on my priority list. 

This is going to be a random posting, as I have some pictures I have been wanting to post and things I want to share with Jennifer!! 

So get ready for picture overload! 

Adventures with Kirk

Kirk isn't very strong

But I am!! One finger lift! 
 -Jennifer!! When are you coming home??

This is as unfuzzy as I could get!

I don't have time to write any reviews right now but if anyone is looking for some fantastic books to read, I just finished some great ones!

The Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern

The Violets of March - Sarah Jio

The Language of Flowers - Vanessa Diffenbaugh

And now back to studying!! 
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