Thursday 31 March 2011

What Would You Do?

I have recently started to watch the ABC show 'What Would You Do?' and I am hooked! The premise of the show is that actors portray a scene that has something 'wrong' happening. From restaurant managers trying to kick out a woman and her service dog, to a waiter trying to serve food that he just dropped on the floor. It is very amazing to see the different reactions that people have.

As I watch I hope I would be the people that would say something in these situations, but I am not so sure I would. Part of me would not want to interfere and would be too nervous to step in. I do hope that it would be the larger part of me that would step in and do something.

On a funnier note, tomorrow is April 1st!! I am getting ready to do some pranks on my roommate! It will be great!!! I can't wait!

You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.

- Colette

Wednesday 16 March 2011


Today was the Scholastic Book Fair!! I got up extra early so I could be there right as it started and I am so happy with my purchases. Happy enough to share them!

The selection of books was fantastic and they were all half off! You can't beat that!!

A French homework books so I can work on my terrible French

Grade 4 workbook for a general resource. I also got Grade 3 and Grade 1. There is some really great stuff in these.

Great Teacher Projects has so many wonderful ideas!

And these books were just so cute and adorable that I couldn't put them down!

So needless to say, I am extremely happy and thrilled with my purchases!! Again, HALF-OFF!!! So happy!! This is just want I needed to get through the week!

"Once you learn to read, you will be forever free."
— Frederick Douglass

Sunday 13 March 2011

Busy Busy

With the end of school nearing I feel more and more overwhelmed with everything. All I really need to do right now is survive this week, and I will only have two tests until exams start. But surviving is going to be a challenge!!

'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain' 
- Author Unknown.

This quote is from my great friend and I think it really applies to my situation right now. While I would not consider the sheer amount of work that I need to do to be a full-fledged 'storm', it is not sunny out by any means!

This week I am printing this quote out on pieces of paper and hand them out to people I see during the day. This might be friends, professors or even strangers I pass on the street. This is inspired by a video that was shared in one of my classes a while ago. You can watch a video on the story here: but basically Johnny, the bag boy at a grocery store, printed off inspirational notes and passed them to people who went through his check-out. Pretty soon the line at his check-out was so long as each day everyone wanted the inspirational message of the day.

Taking a page from Johnny's book, I am going to print off this quote and hand it to people I see. I hope I can inspire people and cheer up someone's day.

Maybe I can inspire someone reading my blog to do the same, or even just smile and say hello to the person passing you on the street. You just might be the difference between someone having a bad or good day.

This week might be raining and I might not dance very well, but I am going to be dancing my heart out anyways.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

The Beginning

For some reason that is unknown to me right now, I have decided to start a blog. So now, in between midterms, a history paper, tests and quizzes I have something else to occupy my time.

On this blog, I will most likely be: ranting, discussing book and movies, sharing funny videos, etc but hopefully above all, inspiring.

Recently, I have been putting a lot of thought into what type of life I want to live. The most common thing that kept popping up with that I really want to make a difference in people's lives. My goal for 2011 is to really immerse myself in this goal. Hopefully, every time I blog, I will have something to report on this goal.

Now I am sounding presumptuous here by assuming I will have people reading this blog periodically, but I am going to invite anyone to comment and perhaps share some thoughts, ideas or comments.

This seems like quite a bit for a blog that is just starting, but there it is.

I will end this post with this quote from my calendar.

Appreciate the simple things. Notice everyday miracles.
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