Tuesday 23 October 2012


Midterms, also known as the bane of any student's existence, are plaguing me right now but I am thankfully almost finished! 

This is me, minus the energy drink and clean desk

My first midterm was for my online history class, European Civilization: the Ancient World until the Enlightenment. This appeared to be my hardest of the bunch as the professor provided the class with 15 terms, 5 of which would be on the midterm and we had to chose three. That was the first part. The second part included 5 essay questions, 3 of which would be on the midterm and we had to pick one. This seemed to be so much information and the large amount of options did not really leave me much choice other than the study all of the options. I apparently studied the right things because I felt really confident after writing it! 1 down, 4 more to go! 

My next midterm was for Media in the Global World, which was fill in the blanks and multiple choice. I stressed over this one because the material was really hard to study. Some concepts seemed common sense while other concepts were very obscure. Some of the questions really surprised me with the detail they required but I was able to answer the majority of the questions with no hesitation. 2 down, 3 to go!!

Next was my other history class, European Civilizations: the Enlightenment to the Present Day. This was 50 multiple choice questions and 30 true and false questions. This midterm caused me a lot of stress because I had to study for Media and then this class at the same time. There is obviously so much to remember in a history class, but the professor made it seem easy as he said there would be no trick questions. While I was able to answer the majority of the questions with no hesitation, I did some pretty tricky questions! For example: Mary Theresa was the mother-in-law to Louis XVI. I was so disappointed when I saw this!! It also means that I might have missed a few other trick questions but I feel really good about it! I was also able to to finish all 80 questions within 30 minutes, which never happens! 3 down, 2 to go!!!

Right after history I had Applied Democracy, which caused me the most issues since I barely had time to study for it! In between studying for three exams within such a short period of time in addition to classes, it is no surprise I ran out of time to study hard for this class. There were 10 multiple choice and 3 short answer. The multiple choice gave me some headache but I was able to answer the short answers with plenty of detail! 4 down, 1 to go!!!!

Tomorrow night is The Politics of Transgression and Desire, which I have honestly not started to study for. I do have the majority of tomorrow to do so and I feel pretty confident about the material. Wish me luck though! 

I now cannot wait for my marks!! As positive as I feel about the midterm, the professor might have a completely different idea! I guess time will tell. 


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