Thursday 2 February 2012

New Books, 2012 edition

Once again the Scholastic Book Fair was the only reason to get up this week! I am been feeling quite sick with the start of a cold, my throat was awful yesterday. So it was wonderful to have the book fair to look forward to. 

This year I was not able to get to the book fair until 11:30 because of class. I was very surprised about how little was actually left! All of the teacher resources were picked over but there was plenty of picture books to buy! 

This morning Paige and I decided to go first thing to see if they restocked their shelves and they had!! I was so pleased! I bought a lot of wonderful teacher resources that I am so excited to use some day. 

{Please forgive me for the messy collection of pictures, it was incredibly hard to arrange them}

As a side note, I am feel much better today! I am not sure if it was the billion glasses of water I drank or the overall pleasantness of buying books. Either way, I am feeling better. Last night I also became extremely productive around 10:30 or so and I am hoping to keep this productiveness rolling today. Next week is a pretty dreadful looking week but then I can 'relax' until March. 

I feel that the concept of relaxing while being a university student is something that I was to focus on later. So my question to you* is about relaxing. What wonderful tips for relaxing and de-stressing have you heard about or swear by? 

*you - anyone who reads this blog and wants to comment! It can be completely anonymous if you prefer it that way.  


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